Murdoch a wire fencer from Altandhu, Ross-shire joined the 1/4th Bn Seaforth Highlanders. Mobilsed on the 4th of August 1914 leaving Dingwall by train arriving at Bedford where the Battalion was billeted for the next few months where he continued his training . The Battalion left Bedford for France on the 5th November  1914. On the 28th June 1916 the battallion revieved the 4th Gordons in the trenches near Rolincourt. on the 29th June at "Stand to" the German artillery heaviliy shelled the front trenches for over half an hour, damaging the trenches causing some casualties. The german front trenches were shelled at 3pm and again at 4 pm with good reesults. Two patrols went out at 11 pm reaching the German wire and heard work going on. Casualties 1 killed and 6 wounded unfortunately Murdoch was the one killed.

1 Killed Casualties 1 Killed and 6 wounded 

Irn Bru