Private 6975 James George Longman 

1st Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment

Born February 1884 in Marylebone, London.

Killed in action - 13th November 1914 - Age 30

Zonnebeke (Ypres) Belgium

No known grave - Commemorated on the Menin Gate

Served with the 5th Battalion Middlesex Regiment

Private 2509

South Africa (Boer) War 1900-1902

Enlisted into the Royal Berkshire Regiment - January 1903

Served across the Empire in Cyprus, Egypt & India

Departed for France on 12th August 1914

Fought with his Battalion at Mons, Ainse & the Marne

The Battalion marched 236 miles in 15 days

 Dug in for trench warfare at Ypres on 22 October 1914

James and eight of his comrades were killed on 13 November


Danny O'Leary