Private Ambrose Austwick was born in Goole, Yorkshire, in 1897 to Marth and Ambrose. The following year his little brother Richard was born.

Ambrose served with the 1/6th Durham Light Infantry (formerly in the Northumberland Fusiliers), 151st Brigade, 50th Division.

In 1916, the battalion would fight in the Somme through the Battle of Flers-Courcelette, Morval, and Transloy Ridges. In November, the battalion moved into the line by Mametz Wood readying for an attack on the German lines. At 09:10 am, the assault began but was quickly held up by heavy machine gun and rifle fire. Some companies got through, but were forced to withdraw the ground gained when the German’s counter-attack later that night.

During this attack, Ambrose went missing and was not seen again. His body was never recovered, and his death recorded as on 5th November 1916. He is remembered at Thiepval Memorial, panel 14C.15C.

Rachel Ayres