Service History as written by Mr Bruce Lees (W.W.1.  A.I.F. expert, Mackay, Queensland, Australia)

Sam was a front-line infantryman.  He served with the 38th Battalion. He was a private and his number was 1104.  The 38th Battalion consisted of all Victorians - it was formed in Victoria in 1916.  The 38th was part of the 10th Brigade of the 3rd Aust. Division (5 Aust. Divisions in total). They wore a purple over red oval patch on their shoulders.

The Battalion was commanded by Colonel C.H.Davis, a barrister of Bendigo.  A history of the Battalion was written after the war.  It is titled "The Thirty-Eighth Battalion" by E.Fairey, printed in Bendigo in 1920.

Sam enlisted in Australia on 1st March 1916.  He left Melbourne on 20th June 1916 aboard Her Majesty's Troopship "Runic".  He went straight to England (Plymouth).  He contracted influenza - was a plague in England at the time - he'd only been in England 9 days before being admitted to hospital.  He was lucky to survive his bout with the 'flu as many Australians died. 

On his discharge from hospital he rejoined his battalion and was sent to France in Nov 1916.  They were stationed there and did not take part in any active fighting until Feb 27th.  This was the Battalions' first battle and unfortunately Sam Bellingham was killed in it.

Alison Gilewski